How to get your ex-boyfriend back I know, I never thought that I would write about this either, but it’s something I have both struggled with and wanted in the past. If you’ve been following my work, you know I’m not a big fan of using your precious brainpower, energy, and time (that you will never get back) in an effort to try to get someone back into your life who consistently treated you poorly. I’m not into being a carrot-dangling tactician.
I get it, though. You miss him and the way he made you feel. You miss the way that you felt and the person you were when you were with him, and the relationship was good. You made excuses for everything he did that was wrong, disrespectful, and hurtful because you feel like it was you that provoked it and “made him” like a disrespectful lunatic. You don’t care, though; you just want him back, no matter what. I get it.
I’m sharing this with you because a lot of you have asked me how to get your ex-boyfriend back.